Nissan Motor Corp. tests " slip-hazard warning system" ready newest to be marketed. This smart system can warn driver if menndekati smooth road(street. Nissan prepares this system especially for berkendara in snowy area.
This system merges data from Intelligent Transport System, that is sophisticated information system clinging vehicle with infrastuktur lalulintas, data plus from antilock brakes ( ABS).
Nissan will test in this year winter North Japan with help of kosumen and local police. Nissan will test accuration, effectivity and elegibility of system applies a number of data result of research, to be used commercially later," statement of the company, Monday ( 1/10).
Research data which will be used is including point of smooth road(streets, map real-time between point of slippery road(streets with position of that moment car based on data obtained by communications system Carwings property of Nissan, and data bases on note of history
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