Honda seems to don't triffle with concept car fuel its(the cell which called Honda FCX Concept. Last month, Honda demonstrates green machine prototype and car or environmental friendly machine and car he made. In it, including clean diesel engine and car using ethanol fuel and car fuel cell hydrogen standard barium.
The prototype cars at the same time made to look for opportunity at the opposite of always its(the rising the price of oil fuel, and confirm returns to position of Honda as leader of in area friendliness technology.
Be fair to mention that problem area of is something assumed of vital importance in Honda. Magazine Time edition 30 Octobers 2006 citing CEO Honda Takeo Fukui, what tells, " We are car maker. During us is having business with producing car, we need to overcome area problem emerging from cars which we are production."
In the year 1972, Fukui machine design CVCC ( compound vortex controlled combustion) Honda which economical of fuel, which its(the exhaust emission of gas fulfilling standard specified by invitors Udara Bersih AS 1970, without using catalytic converter which is expensive in price.
That makes Honda becomes choice brand to all area activist. " Honda always terdepan in area technology," said Dan Sperling, Transportation Study Institute Director in Universitas California, in Davis.
But, Honda is less Iuckyly at car hibrida merging combustion machine in using oil fuel with electromotor. Although Honda presents in advance, through?via Honda Insight, and consumption of its(the fuel is also more economical, but because failing in promotion, hence Toyota relying on Toyota Prius is more dominance.
That is because of Honda jumps one steps forwards by developing car using ethanol, what yielded by exploiting parts of rest of crops, and makes car fuel cell or electrics car having source of his own electrics.
Peripheral which called fuel cell consisted of two electrode plates flanking electrolyte. Hydrogen kept by high pressured in the tank is channelled [by] through one electrode sides, whereas oxygen obtained from the air is channelled through other electrode side causing yields electrics, water, and temperature.
Electrics yielded by fuel cell then applied to crank electrics, whereas temperature is released into the air, and water thrown out through pipe. Thereby, car fuel cell is not at all releases emission.
Clean diesel engine
Outside ethanol and fuel cell, Honda also develops clean diesel engine to be used at vehicle of beroda many, like trucks tronton beroda 18, a real gluttonous in battening diesel fuel.
The cleanness diesel engine 30 % is more efficiently in consuming fuel compared to gasoline engine. Honda applies catalytic new converter to block pollution yielded by soot and oxide nitrogen, glasshouse gas.
Honda express, the diesel engine will fulfill regulation of new issue California, hardest in world, in the year 2009.
In the near time, Honda copes brings the cleanness diesel engine technology to market. Honda of course has the technology, but main problem faced by Honda is they ready to sell the technology?
Honda predominated the overbusy frequent engineers with their x'self, like busier creates cars compared to listening opinion from its(the dealer-dealer. That making Honda Insight is depressed in United States.
" Possibly engineers Toyota is not sepandai engineers owned by Honda, but definitive they are its(the consumer hearing people who will," said John Mendel, Senior Vice President Honda Amerika.
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