Fuji Heavy Industries ( FHI), producer Subaru, introduces newest Subaru Impreza WRX STI in Japan ( 24/10). This third generation present with total change from side designs, machine, chassis and its(the fitur-fitur. Having Stock Symmetrical AWD and machine 20 litres Horizontally-Opposed Boxer, Subaru promises WRX STI to give hobby, gladness?joy and preoccupation of berkendara for its(the owner. Modeled five newest doors was not only having better machine and suspension but also new mechanism like multi-mode Driver's Control Centre Differential ( DCCD) and multi-mode Vehicle Dynamics Control ( VDC). Also Subaru Dynamic Chassis Control Concept ( Subaru DC3) all to maximize peforma and enjoyment of berkendara and highest safety. First generation of WRX STI is made with bases Impreza WRX, result of expansion Subaru Tecnica International ( STI), subsidiary company FHI with specialization of activity motorsport. Since introduced at 1994, WRX STI setles its(the reputation as vehicle of high peforma sport. In place FIA World Rally Championship ( WRC) what obliges its(the participant competition with vehicle bases on mass production, Subaru WRX STI proves its(the kemampua. Champion title manufactur grabbed in three years successively that is 19951997.
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