End week its(the time changed situation and Ford Motor Indonesia ( FMI) provides its(the supporting facilities, free of charge for all. Its form is Ford Escape Extreme Zone 2007 in the form of opportunity of test drive newest Ford Escape with trajectory hinders hampering which really challanges. Performed in area Parkir Front Row, Senayan, takes place Saturday and Sunday ( 8 - 9 As of platinum).
In area that is is too not the wide is prepared [by] 10 barricades result of masterpiece Moko Karsono, famous off-roader of Indonesia. From all barricades itum which is newest and hardly challanges is barricade ' Hell Raiser ' in the form of steep zoom and generation as high as four metre, long 28 metre and wide 3 metre. Start zoom menikung with inclination around 40 degrees so that car doesn't have ancang-ancang to climb. Driver must be clever positions car and balances with gas pedal pressure. After until culminated, greeted steep generation with inclination more than 60 derajad. This arena shows ability in fact from machine Ford Escape VVT with automatic front wheel drive and transmission. Acurate if(when Moko calls it, ' sees sky, sees earth'.
Other barricade is including 8 Miles ( maneuver ability short exchange), Equilibrium ( suspension job(activity short exchange), Twister ( sand drifting), Gone indium 60 Second Acceleration ( acceleration job(activity short exchange), Water World ( simulation of floods), UnBrake-able ( job(activity short exchange pengereman/ABS), Crossroad ( gets through barricade) and Flying Wheel ( shows angle of height of left wheel and right). According to instructor accompanying during test session drive, unit applied not to experience any ubahan, same very similar to sold to by consumer.
This event is the third time his(its. Before all done in the year 2005 and Februari 2007. According To Will Angove, President Director PT FMI event of like this to look after sale momentum Escape.
2007 Ford Escape VVT is launched in Indonesia at April 2007 together with Ford Everest and new Ford Ranger. Combines exterior elegan sporti, having class modern interior and machine Duratec 23 litres VVT technology ECTS. Since January - August, FMI has sold 438 units or rising 193% compared to the same period last year.
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