Enthusiast Grandis still high

Mitsubishi Grandis
Consumer greeting to Mitsubishi Grandis remain to high, like drawn from gelaran Mitsubishi Exhibition ( 7 - 9 September ) in Plaza Senayan. Having place of in Main Atrium Plaza Senayan, PT Kramayudha Tiga Berlian ( KTB) demonstrates three models which have been in dress up that is two units Grandis with style elegant is having colour is black and sporty is having colour silver. One other units is Lancer version sporty also having colour silver.
According To Diamond Vidiasari, head of Public Relation PT KTB, in three days the exhibition, [his] side has published 42 SPK which most Grandis and at least 178 express very hankering to buy the models.

KTB gives special bid to consumer is including installation of film V-Kool as present for every purchasing of Grandis or Lancer. There is also other presents like Home Theater/Video Camera ( Grandis) or Home Theater/Digital Camera ( Lancer).

This activity is part of effort Mitsubishi pushs sale of its(the passenger vehicle is in September 2007