Emulation in segment of having cabin mini truck is multiple using activator system four wheels increasingly preoccupies to be followed. After PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors launchs Mitsubishi Strada Triton and PT Mazda Motor Indonesia launchs Mazda BT50, hence in the near time PT Nissan Motor Indonesia will launch Nissan Frontier Navara.
Bargain to try Nissan Frontier Navara difficult to be overcome off hand. Desire to compare between Nissan Frontier Navara and Nissan Frontier its(the predecessor forcing Kompas for soon receives the bargain. Remembers Compass have ever applied Nissan Frontier in program Lintas Timur-Barat Kompas 2005, from Atambua in frontier of Indonesia with Timor Leste up to Banda Aceh in Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
Unhappily, the car police number has not gone out so that Kompas must satisfy by trying to the car in road(street test area, in assembling factory Nissan, in industrial area of Karawang.
After bes awaiting a moment, seen Nissan Frontier Navara which is just exit from assembling factory enters road(street test area. Differs From Nissan Frontier ridden two last year using manual gear, Nissan Frontier Navara applies otomatic gear with 5 level of speed.
Without killing time, Nissan Frontier Navara direct is ridden [by] towards road(street test trajectory. Speed also swiftly is improved until 100 kilometre per hour, before stepping on brake pedal to reduce speed nearing blind turning in tip of trajectory. Blind turning also is passed by significantly.
Impression that is soon emerges is besotted Nissan Frontier Navara is ridden. Operation ( handling) and its(the rider increases compared to its(the predecessor. Suspension also experiences improvement. Surface of rocky road(street, surging, and holey here and there is passed by Nissan Frontier Navara smoothly, although speedometer needle shows speed of 70 kilometre per hour.
Though diesel engine girded having capacities 25 Litres, smaller than its(the predecessors, Nissan Frontier, what girds diesel engine is having capacities 30 Litres, but Nissan Frontier Navara is more responsive and energetically.
Under normal circumstances, Nissan Frontier Navara applies activator two wheels ( 2WD). Differs From Nissan Frontier, where activator four wheels ( 4WD) operated through?via multiple cardan handle which located in gear handle side, at Nissan Frontier Navara, activator four wheels is operated with turning around knob ( switch) in facia. The transfer can be done in a state of car is accelerating ( on the fly).
Usage of technology commonrail makes energy and torsion yielded by diesel engine girded by Nissan Frontier Navara to become highest in its(the segment. With maximum energy 172 PK by 4000 rpm and maximum torsion 373 Nm by 2000 rpm, position of far Nissan Frontier Navara in front of Ford Ranger, Mitsubishi L200 Strada, Mazda BT50, Toyota Hilux, and Isuzu Dmax.
But, usage of technology commonrail makes costlier Nissan Frontier Navara selling price compared to the its(the competitors. Not to mention, technology commonrail also ideally applies diesel fuel having rate sulphur ( brimstone) low, like Pertamina Dex or diesel fuel sold in SPBU property of Shell or Petronas.
Two the things worryed of will make Nissan Frontier Navara difficult to compete in segment of having cabin mini truck is multiple 4 x 4.
New segment
segment of Having cabin mini truck is multiple 4 x 4 is new segment in Indonesia. It Is PT Ford Motor Indonesia which is first carries Ford Ranger in the year 2002. Having cabin mini truck is multiple 4 x 4 swiftly nets devotee, especially in Sumatra and Kalimantan, precisely in plantation area and mining.
Although Ford Ranger is doubled mini truck of 4 x first 4 in Indonesia, but his(its popular defeated by Mitsubishi L200 Strada. Seems to big name of Mitsubishi in Reli Dakar, rally place is raised hell in world, and reputation of truck two tons Mitsubishi Fuso, what recognized by the name of Si Kepala Kuning, difficult to be disregarded.
Until July 2007, sale number of having cabin mini truck is multiple 4 x highest 4 reached for by Mitsubishi L200 Strada with 2039 units, followed by Ford Ranger ( 1094 units), Mazda B2500 ( 231 units), Isuzu DMax ( 117), and Nissan Frontier ( 65 units).
Nissan Frontier may be just resided in position of ekor, but that doesn't mean its(the reliability and toughness fails compared to its(the competitor.
Compass have time to test reliability and toughness of Nissan Frontier in program Lintas Timur-Barat Kompas 2005.
The program include;covers journey from Atambua at 8 October 2005 and reachs Banda Aceh by 25 Novembers 2005. Program ends in Banda Aceh after going through journey of 13500 kilometre is taking place during 49 days.
But, the journey has not ended over there, because of there ( Banda Aceh) Nissan Frontier returns to ridden to Jakarta. Journey total gone through by Nissan Frontier more than 16500 kilometre. And, journey of 16500 kilometre passed by without problem.
Initialy there is worry that quality of different diesel fuel in various pelosok Indonesia will bother fluency of program Lintas Timur-Barat Kompas 2005. But, worry of that is not happened. Though in a few opportunity, performa machine felt not maximum because the low of quality of diesel fuel bought.
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