Not as in many states, especially in Asia—di such Mercedes Benz and BMW predominates car market premium—di China, premium car market predominated by Audi, which is new comer in premium car market in many states in Asia.
In many states, including Indonesia, may just of Audi is considered to be [by] new comer, which still searching for stepping in premium car market predominated by Mercedes Benz and BMW. But, in China its(the situation leaves for back. BMW and Mercedes Benz still looking for gap to setle stepping.
In big towns in China, especially Beijing, considerably easy to be met car is having symbol four barbed cicles, which is symbol Audi, then grass in road(street.
In last years of sale of Audi in increasing China. In the year 2002 Audi sells 36492 units, the year 2003 63531 units, and the year 2004 64081 units. At the time of the same of sale of BMW and Mercedes Benz in China less than 20000-an unit.
In the year 2004 productions and sale of car in China for the first time go beyond 2,5 million units. That makes China as the biggest fourth car market in world, after United States, Europe, and Japan.
Stable chartered investment counsel, and the increasing of wealth of middle-weight that is always big, guarantees big domestic demand. Export market China also remain to very strong because hooking;correlating of token money yuan with dollar AS which weak. To avoid hot economic risk as as result of growth of high chartered investment counsel, and enable soft landing, the Government China does with refer to step of bridle economic growth by the end of first bill of the year 2004. But, anyway growth of GDP China increases to become 9,5 %.
Economic analyst estimates demarcation of lending to finance purchasing of car would remain to defended in the year 2005 is. And, in addition to height of the price of commodity exchange incorporated, the increasing of insurance expense, and application of commodity exchange incorporated tax, hence estimated [by] industrial growth of otomotif China will be slow become 10-11 %.
Head Of Audi China Trevor Hill mentions, in line with slow of industrial growth of otomotif China, growth of produce of Audi also will slow. In the year 2002 growths of produce of Audi reachs 56 %, and the year 2003 risings becomes 75 %. But, in the year the 2004 numbers reduces to only 15 %, and estimated in the year 2005 only 10 %.
However, according to Trevor Hill, slow of growth of produce of otomotif in China doesn't bring ugly influence for Audi. Badly the deceleration gives separate hikmah because Audi can do consolidation, good in fulfilling demand of market and also in access supply. ” Growth which untimely will make us kedodoran in fulfilling demand of market and post service sells, including access supply.”
History of length
Success of Audi predominates premium car market in China cannot be discharged from history of presence length of Audi in the bamboo curtain country. In when indecisions Germany car maker company still to China which is communist, Group Volkswagen ( where Audi AG is including in it) steps into there and tills possibility that same job(activity. Group Volkswagen active in China in the year 1985 noted as first Germany company stepping into market China.
Partnership of Audi with First Automobile Works ( FAW) China started in the year 1989, when both the companies berpatungan to assemble Audi 100 in Changchun, in north-east part of China. The joint venture then is continued with producing Audi 200.
In November 1993 Board Of Directorses FAW and Volkswagen AG signs letter to integrate produce of Audi and engineering works V6 built in the year 1991 into joint venture FAW with Volkswagen AG. Result of his(its is in December 1995 signed [by] agreement of joint venture which so called FAW-VOLKSWAGEN Automotive Company Ltd, where Audi has 10 % stock, Volkswagen AG 30 %, and FAW 60 %. The joint venture now employs employee 7000.
first Audi produced by the joint venture in May 1996 is modification Audi 100 girding machine V6 property of Audi 200, and his(its local component around 60 %. Audi 200 still be produced until in the middle of the 1999.
In The Early Of January 2000 a variant Audi A6 modified together by Audi and FAW for market China is launched. Produce of itself car is from date [by] 6 September 1999.
Around 200 past masters and skilled man power China is brought to plant Audi in Neckarsulm and Ingolstadt, Jerman, to follow training. A number of past masters from Audi Jerman also is placed in Changchun to observe produce of Audi A6
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