ITS FORM slim and amenity in operation, becomes excellence of new Picanto City Cruisser when applied in town. Which more fanciful, test result tried in Kalimantan, New Picanto only consume gasoline 1 litre to apart 55,3 kms.
Increase of number of vehicles that is is not is dibarengi with infrastructure repair, practical generates traffic jam. This is not only happened in metropolis, like Jakarta, but also other town. KIA sees this opportunity to market pledge city its(the car new Picanto City Cruisser.
New Picanto present with having immeasurable choice, between of New Picanto with transmission Automatis Option 3. Seen external seen radiator grill wraped with chrome bar, front fog lamp, eunuch repeater mirror, front - rear set bumper, and eunuch moulding with body color also velg alloy. Part of interior, all chair is wraped with full cloth grey, tilt steering becoming standard supply. Baliutan the skin also makes situation of balmier berkendara and adds luxuriant impression.
New Picanto also is equiped with audio system using 1 CADMIUM, Radio and MP3 with 4 fruit of speaker. Counted 2 is put in front and other 2 rear. USB connection makes collection of on file darling songs the numbersly unlimited. New Picanto with transmission Automatic option this 3 hardly suited for consumer taking a fancy to affluence, comfort and amenity in berkendara.
As A Whole New Picanto present with improvement, between it at gear ratio for transmission automatis and ecu so that attraction of better machine and fuel consumption is more efficient. Can be imagined if(when the existing of Picanto is recognized as city car most economical of fuel is class [by] it and now present New Picanto as city cruiser it is of course would more economically is compared to its(the predecessor with existence of improvement.
Like its(the predecessor, city cruiser New Picanto still carrying machine 11 litres. But its(the difference new Picanto present with appearance is more sporty and stylish. At new variant is done [by] refreshing at part of ekterior and also interior. Impression of sporty and stand-out aggresive at part of exterior, headlight, eunuch moulding, radiator grill, fog lamp also front bumper design and back.
Dorsal appearance also seen is sweeter with garnish which more with character. As A Whole this longer New Picanto 40 mm compared to its(the predecessor, 30 mm in front and 10 mm is backside. New Picanto applies velg steel with R13 for type standard and Option 1, for Option 2 velg steel R14 and Option 3 equiped with Velg alloy with R14
For part of cabin, new Picanto be is predominated [by] grey and black sporty colour. Form and colour clusterpun applies colour redish orange. Center facia with modern and nattier appearance, and chair with material wrapping with quality makes interior to become coming up more luxuriant.
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